The EU Infopoint aims to increase public knowledge, awareness and understanding of the European Union, its values, policies and programmes as well as the EU Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community. The EU Infopoint is a project funded by the European Union under the Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community with the aim to bring the Turkish Cypriot community closer to the EU....
Don't Be Indifferent to Human Anti-Trafficking!
European Commission Marked EU Anti-Trafficking Day in October!
The European Commission highlighted EU Anti-Trafficking Day 2015 with a panel discussion to raise awareness on the trafficking of human beings and to increase the exchange of information, knowledge and best practices amongst the different actors working in this field. The short video on human anti-trafficking was also screened.
The EU Human Anti-Trafficking panel at the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce on 30 October, included topics on human trafficking, trafficking victims and factors leading to human trafficking, the EU policy on human trafficking and measures in the Turkish Cypriot community. A public awareness campaign on human trafficking also took place, where information regarding human trafficking and the situation in the EU were highlighted via brochure and poster dissemination and EU anti-trafficking video screening on local TV channels.
Check out what we did last month!
European Commission highlighted the importance of Road Safety with a series of trainings.
European Commission in collaboration with Prevention of Traffic Accidents Association (TKÖD) and Trafikte Kazasız Yaşam Derneği (TRAKAYAD), held road safety trainings for primary school and high school students. The trainings took place on 15 October at the Traffic Education Park, on 20 October at Türk Maarif Koleji (TMK) and on 21 October at Bülent Ecevit High School. Sessions included presentations and training on road safety and practical training in the simulated traffic park. Additionally, information on the EU Road Safety Policy and relevant targets to reduce traffic accidents and fatalities were shared with the participants. The trainings aimed to inform students about the safety measures and behavioural changes that could make a difference in reducing accidents on roads.
The Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus launched a human rights themed photojournalism competition to highlight the European Youth Media Days. The competition is open to all young journalist and journalism/communication/media studies students between the ages of 18 and 30. The deadline for entries is 30 November 2015.
Upcoming Events
Check out what is upcoming next!
EU Road Safety Day Training 5 November 10:00 - 11:30 @ Fikri Karayel Primary School
European Youth Media Days Photojournalism & Journalism Training
6 November 08:30 - 18:00 @ EU Infopoint
EU Veterinary Week 2015 - Open Day Event
18 November 09:30 - 13:00 @ Veterinary Laboratory, Nicosia
European SME Week 2015 - Innovative Enterprises Event
26 November 15:00 - 18:00 @ Bedesten, Nicosia
Universal Children's Day - Panel Discussion on the Rights of the Child in the EU and in the Turkish Cypriot community 27 November 14:00 - 16:15 @ Naci Talat Foundation, Nicosia
Follow our Facebook page for up to date information.
The EU Infopoint aims to increase public knowledge, awareness and understanding of the European Union, its values, policies and programmes as well as the EU Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community. The EU Infopoint is a project funded by the European Union under the Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community with the aim to bring the Turkish Cypriot community closer to the EU.
This website is funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of GOPA PACE and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.