The EU Infopoint aims to increase public knowledge, awareness and understanding of the European Union, its values, policies and programmes as well as the EU Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community. The EU Infopoint is a project funded by the European Union under the Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community with the aim to bring the Turkish Cypriot community closer to the EU....
European Commission Representation in Cyprus drew attention to issues and EU funded opportunities for youth in the Turkish Cypriot community during events organised by EU Infopoint for International Youth Day in August.
The Youth Day events which took place on 27 September at Narnia and on 28 September at Merit Hotel attracted many young people who had the opportunity to receive information about youth related issues and EU funded opportunities. The events brought together EU experts, European Commision representatives, a Swedish Embassy representative, local authorities and chambers and decision makers in the northern part of Cyprus.
Check out what we did last month!
Information Session & Chat Cafe at Narnia
The first event of the Youth Day celebrations took place at Narnia on 27 August with an Information Session and Chat Cafe. More than 100 young people attended the event and they had the chance to discuss education, internship and job opportunities. The evening ended with a live concert.
Debate on EU Youth Policies and Youth Issues
Second event organised by the EU Infopoint was held at Merit Hotel on 28 August with a debate on EU Youth Policies and Youth Issues in the Turkish Cypriot community which provided a constructive forum to discuss youth issues, youth related initiatives, opportunities and EU’s policies and strategy on youth.
Round Table Discussion on Youth Civic Engagement
The EU Infopoint hosted the annual HASDER Youth Club round table discussion on 8 August. Following the EU Infopoint info session, the club representatives, youth branches of political parties, representatives of youth NGOs and young participants discussed this year's theme "Civic Engagement of Youth" in a round table debate session.
Upcoming Events
Check out what is upcoming next!
19 September 10:00 – 14:00 @ Atatürk Square (Sarayönü), Nicosia "No Car Day"
Bicycle Tours, Mobility Information Stands, Treasure Hunt/Walking Tours, Surprises
21 September 10:30 – 12:30 @ Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce, Nicosia "Sustainable Transport and Mobility in the Turkish Cypriot community" Panel
EU Policy on Transport, Sustainable Transportation, Mobility in the EU Road Safety, Environment & Transport
29 September 19:30 – 21:30 @ Bedesten, Nicosia European Researchers' Night Gala Event
Follow our Facebook page for up to date information.
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It's now very easy to find our premises on Google Maps. Just type AB Bilgi Merkezi in the search box and follow the route from wherever you are!
The EU Infopoint aims to increase public knowledge, awareness and understanding of the European Union, its values, policies and programmes as well as the EU Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community. The EU Infopoint is a project funded by the European Union under the Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community with the aim to bring the Turkish Cypriot community closer to the EU.
This website is funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of GOPA PACE and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.