09.10.2023 2023 European Day of Languages Fair
EU promotes linguistic diversity in interactive languages fair
The European Union extends an invitation to journalists to assist the 2023 European Day of Languages Fair, directed at students, teachers, families and children to showcase the language richness of the European Union and to encourage multilingualism. The Head of Cooperation of the Cyprus Settlement Support for the European Commission, Stefan Simosas, will lead the event with an opening speech.
The Fair’s programme includes stands for each language, as part of the “Let’s Explore an EU Language” Education Series and stands to promote two EU programmes implemented in the Turkish Cypriot community: (1) The EU Scholarship Programme (2) The EU Linguistic Support Programme, along with the European Year of Skills. Other activities such as a singing session, led by a multilingual artist, and a puppet show, are also included in the programme. The European Commission celebrates the European Day of Languages every year since 2001.