European SME Week 2016: “Green Economy”
The European Commission marked the importance of coherence between industrial, environmental, climate and energy policy to create an optimal business environment for sustainable growth, job creation and innovation during the European SME Week 2016 with a “Green Economy” event on 15 December at Merit Hotel in Nicosia in partnership with the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce. After the opening speech by Mr.Alessandro Bianciardi and Mr.Mustafa Genç, speakers Mr.Libor Krkoska, Mr.Andy Whiteman, Mr.Philippos Drousiotis, Ms.Niyal Öztürk and Mr.Bulut Erkal from European Bank of Reconstruction, Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative, Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce, Capacity Building to the Water Waste and Solid Waste Sector and Technical Assistance to Private Sector discussed topics such as Green Economy Transition; Sustainable Tourism Projects; Challenges; Opportunities and Recommendations on Green Economy; The Circular Economy and Waste as a Resource; and Linkages Between Local Production and Ecotourism. The event continued with experience sharing by EU grantees on energy efficiency and ended with a Q&A session.
Under the EU Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community, many local businesses have benefited from the Private Sector Development Programme which supports Turkish Cypriot SMEs in improving their competitiveness through modernising their products and services, with particular emphasis on the preservation of natural resources and the creation of jobs. The programme offers technical assistance and financial support to Turkish Cypriot limited companies and sole proprietorship. Since 2009 more than 300 local companies have utilised the services of EU experts and over a hundred have received financial support in the form of co-shared grants for a total of €20 million (Euros). The European Union is helping green economies, through better management of resources, economic instruments that are good for the environment, support for innovation, better policies for water and waste, and efforts to boost sustainable consumption and production.
Waste Prevention and Recycling Forum
The European Commission underlined the importance of waste reduction and recycling during the “Waste Prevention and Recycling Forum” on Tuesday 20 December at Bedestan in Nicosia. During the forum the worlds’ leading experts in waste prevention and recycling presented their experiences and recommendations. NGO representatives, academics and SMEs were encouraged to attend the forum and share their ideas. The event, organised by the Capacity Building to the Water/Wastewater and Solid Waste Sectors Project in partnership with LTB, Cans for Kids and the Charity Association for Cancer Patients, also included the launch of a public awareness campaign which will reach the community through billboards, radio and scoial media and aims to raise awareness about environmental protection.
An e-panel discussion included speakers from around the world including Vaughan Levitzke, CEO of Green Industries in Australia; Dr. Ljiljana Rodic, 3Rs Education Expert from Netherlands; and Professor David Wilson, MBE from Imperial College of Science and Technology, UK.
Waste generation per capita in the Turkish Cypriot community is one of the highest in Europe which is a great burden on the existing waste systems. The currently available capacity of the sanitary landfill at Güngör/Koutsoventis is being rapidly used up. This is why there is a need to expand the systems for reducing, reusing and recycling waste. Over time, waste prevention and recycling must become the norm rather than the exception. Tackling the growth of waste in Cyprus needs innovative new ideas and approaches.
Safety and Health at Work Trainings at Vocational Schools
The European Commission, as part of the European Week for Safety and Health at Work, supports a series of safety and health trainings at all the vocational schools in the Turkish Cypriot community organised in cooperation with the Association of Health and Safety Professionals, Education Department, Employment Department, Chamber of Shopkeepers and Artisans, Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry, and Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce, starting in November 2016. Participating students were presented with various topics on why health and safety at work is important in workplaces, EU’s policy and implementations in the EU on safety and health, safety and health rules’ implementation examples from various EU Member State countries, showcasing why the EU is one of the safest places to work in. The trainings, which will reach up to 700 students, were targeted considering the education and skills of the students and each student will receive a certificate.
The following schools were visited during December:
Güzelyurt Meslek Lisesi
Cengiz Topel Endüstri Meslek Lisesi
Gazimağusa Meslek Lisesi
İskele Ticaret Lisesi
Sedat Simavi Endüstri Meslek Lisesi
As part of the European Day of People with Disabilities, the European Commission organised two “Introduction to Sign Language” seminars in Nicosia and Kyrenia on 20 and 21 December. During these seminars, the participants had the opportunity to learn basic sign language techniques from the experts on this topic.
In the framework of the traffic safety video competition organised by the European Commission to raise awareness for traffic safety, a video workshop for individuals who would like to improve their video production skills and better understand the theme of traffic safety was organised on 8 December at the EU Infopoint. During the workshop, the participants had the chance to learn basic video production techniques and they were informed about the traffic safety measures in the northern part of Cyprus.
Check out upcoming events!
European Day of Persons with Disabilities
A Day in the Life of a Disabled Person Panel
06 January, 11:00 - 13:30 @ Merit Hotel, Nicosia
Green Week 2016 - Battery Collection Competition Prize Ceremony
11 January, 15:00 - 17:00 @ EU Infopoint
Traffic Safety Video Competition Prize Ceremony
13 January, 15:30 - 16:30 @ EU Infopoint
The Juncker Commission: Two years on
Working for a Better Europe That Protects, Empowers and Defends
17 January, 15:00 - 17:00 @ Merit Hotel, Nicosia
Human Rights Film Week
26 January - 02 February
Follow our Facebook page for up to date information!
The EU Infopoint aims to increase public knowledge, awareness and understanding of the European Union, its values, policies and programmes as well as the EU Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community. The EU Infopoint is a project funded by the European Union under the Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community with the aim to bring the Turkish Cypriot community closer to the EU.